Tips and ricks to prevent diabetes

Diposting oleh Unknown on Senin, 01 Desember 2014


Diabetes is a disease in which the body can not produce insulin (a hormone regulating blood sugar) or produced insufficient insulin or the insulin does not work properly. Therefore, it will cause an increase in blood sugar when checked.

There are two main types of diabetes are:

Diabetes Type 1
A condition where the body is completely unable to produce insulin. So patients must use insulin injections to regulate blood sugar. Most sufferers are children and adolescents.

Diabetes Type 2
Occurs because the body does not produce enough insulin or because insulin can not be used properly (insulin resistance). This type is the largest of the disease (90% more), often occur in those aged over 40 years, fat and have a family history of diabetes.

1. How to know if we suffer from diabetes or not?
  • Thirsty and drink plenty
  • Hungry and many eating
  • frequent urination
  • Weight loss
  • eyes blurred
  • Heal old wounds
  • Easy to infection of the skin (hives), urinary tract and gum
  • Pain or numbness in the hands or feet
  • Body feels weak
  • drowsiness
2.Anyone can suffer from diabetes?

Diabetes can happen to everyone. But for those who have a family history of diabetes, are more likely to suffer from diabetes. In addition to family history, other risk factors are those who have excess weight (fat), high cholesterol (bad diet), hypertension and lack of physical activity. Those aged over 40 years with obesity will increase the risk for diabetes.

3. How to ensure Diabetes or not?

Diabetes diagnosis is obtained when the examination results were found as follows:

Fasting blood glucose greater than or equal to 126 mg / dl
Blood glucose greater than or equal to 200 mg / dl
Blood sugar 2 hours after administration of 75 g glucose solution (in the oral glucose tolerance test) results greater than or equal to 200 mg / dl
If someone has the typical symptoms of diabetes (lots of urine, lots of drinking, lots of eating, weight loss fast and body weakness), then the results of the examination only once over the already determines the person is suffering from diabetes.

But if there is no typical symptoms, required twice the above examination to confirm the diagnosis of Diabetes.

4.What is the Pre Diabetes?

Pre Diabetes is a condition where the blood sugar is higher than normal but not yet high enough to be classified as diabetes.
They are included in the category Pre Diabetes, high risk of developing type 2 diabetes later in life, unless they have a healthy life by reducing excess weight and active exercise.

A person included in the category Pre Diabetes when fasting blood sugar ranges between 100-125 mg / dl. Blood sugar 2 hours after administration of 75 g glucose solution (in the oral glucose tolerance test) ranged between 140-199 mg / dl

5. How to cope with Diabetes?

Both persons with diabetes type 1 or type 2, it is important to make meal planning and exercise. For Diabetes Type 1 and some Type 2 diabetes, insulin injections are also required. For most people with Type 2 diabetes, oral medications required (oral medication) that helps the body to make more insulin and or help make insulin work better.
Sometimes people with Type 2 diabetes can control their blood sugar without medication, just by setting diet and exercise regularly.
People with diabetes are encouraged to regularly control to the doctor. Your doctor will give you an explanation of Diabetes and control, setting the diet, exercise, complications can occur and drugs or insulin should be used.
Patients also need to carry out checks blood sugar levels regularly and conducting blood tests and urine periodically covering HbA1c (blood sugar description in the last 3 months), mikroalbumin urine (leakage of protein in the urine), the cholesterol profile, kidney function, liver, and so forth.

Patients also need regular eye examinations at least 1 times a year to ensure the absence of complications of diabetes on the eyes (retinopathy).

6. What are complications of diabetes that can happen?

This is one important reason why patients need to control their blood sugar. Due to poor blood sugar control, patients will experience long-term complications, such as stroke, heart disease, blindness, kidney failure, blood vessel disease and nerve damage that can lead to amputation of the limb and can occur in men with erectile problems.

Over 10 years of research that has been done, showing that patients who keep their blood sugar under control, will reduce the risk of these complications by up to 50% more.

7. What blood sugar targets to be achieved by people with diabetes?

Target of blood sugar is individual, so it could have been a different patient with another patient for targets to be achieved. But in general targets to be achieved are:
  • Blood sugar before meals: 90-130 mg / dl
  • Blood sugar 2 hours after a meal: below 160 mg / dl
  • Blood sugar before bed: 110-150 mg / dl
  • The target for HbA1c (blood sugar description in the last 3 months) is less than 7%
8. Does Diabetes can be cured?

Until now there has been found to cure diabetes. But with excess weight loss, proper diet, and exercising regularly, can make blood sugar back to normal. But this does not mean that has been cured of diabetes. Because if the patient back fat, bad diet and no exercise, the blood sugar will rise again. So Diabetes not be cured, but can be controlled blood sugar within normal limits.

9. Does Diabetes can be cured?

Until now there has been found to cure diabetes. But with excess weight loss, proper diet, and exercising regularly, can make blood sugar back to normal. But this does not mean that has been cured of diabetes. Because if the patient back fat, bad diet and no exercise, the blood sugar will rise again. So Diabetes not be cured, but can be controlled blood sugar within normal limits. for further let us look at the diabetes program in the form of books, if you are interested in this program you can buy it in   Does Diabetes can be cured?

Until now there has been found to cure diabetes. But with excess weight loss, proper diet, and exercising regularly, can make blood sugar back to normal. But this does not mean that has been cured of diabetes. Because if the patient back fat, bad diet and no exercise, the blood sugar will rise again. So Diabetes not be cured, but can be controlled blood sugar within normal limits. for further let us look at the diabetes program in the form of books, if you are interested in this program you can buy it in Program to prevent the onset of diabetes

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